I’m Caitlin and I am a writer. On this page, I will speak about myself in the first person whereas on the main page, I spoke about myself in the third person*. I can do this because I am a writer and I know about things like first person and third person points of view. *If you didn’t notice, click back to see what I mean, I’ll wait here for you.
My dearests, I must tell stories or the tips of my fingers will swell and my teeth will get itchy. I write because I love words (even the fancy ones (#googlesverisimilitude)). I write because I am alive and so are you and someday we won’t be so let’s do something while we can ok?
To date, my work is forthcoming in/has appeared in Entropy, Jellyfish Review, McSweeney’s, Gravel, HerStry, Bitchin Kitsch and The Black Fox Literary Magazine. However, check back often, I am fixing to add to that list. I am in the murky middle of revisions for my first book which I am sure will be published by (INSERT IMPRESSIVE PUBLISHER NAME HERE). I look forward to paying off my mortgage when I sell the movie rights.